Item Item Name Column Name Required Definition Code Set Data Type Length Precision
005 EMSAS File Type FILETYPE Required A 2-digit code that indicates which record is being reported. Comments: This data element indicates the record being submitted and is associated with the respective record layout for the fall enrollment, term registration, and degree completion files. Purpose: General.
Text 2
010 FICE College Code FICECODE Required The 6-digit FICE code formerly used to identify American colleges and universities. Comments: Used to identify the institution reporting data to the CBHE and is part of each input record submitted by the institution. Purpose: General.
Text 6
015 Academic Term ACTERM Required A 2-digit code to denote the period (academic term) being reported for the accompanying record. Comments: Code 20 is limited to the Fall Enrollment File, which contains a snap-shot of students enrolled at an institution as fall census date, typically the 20th day of classes. Codes 11, 21, 31, and 41 are used in the Term Registration File, which contains data on students enrolled as of the date grades are run at the institution in each term, as well as to the Completions File recording the students? conferred awards in the summer, following fall, or spring commencement. Purpose: This may be used for the DHE-02, DHE-06, DHE07-1, and DHE07-2. EMSAS_Academic_Term_Codes Text 2
020 Calendar Year CALYEAR Required A 4-digit code to denote the calendar year for the census (Fall Enrollment), end-of-term (Term Registration), or commencement date (Completions) being reported for the accompanying record. Comments: The year reported is the four digits of the calendar year for which the reported data apply. For example, a fall 1993 enrollment record is coded "1993', a degree conferred record for a degree conferred upon a student during the August 1993 graduation ceremony would also be coded "1993', a degree conferred during the spring 1994 graduation ceremony would be coded '1994'. Purpose: This is used for the DHE-02, DHE-06, DHE07-1 and DHE07-2.
Text 4
025 SSN or Student ID (Primary) SOCSEC1 Required Definition: A student's social security number or student ID most recently provided to the institution. Codes: N/A Comments: If the student has not provided the institution with a social security number, or does not have a social security number (e.g., a nonresident alien), record an institutionally assigned student identification number in this field as well as in the CAMPUSID field. The Primary SSN or Student ID Status (SSTAT1) field should be set to '2'. If an incorrect social security number is originally reported and later the institution receives the student's true social security number, the incorrect social security number, originally reported as SOCSEC1 should be moved to the Second Most Recent Social Security Number (SOCSEC2) field and the true or correct social security number should be reported in the Most Recent Social Security Number (SOCSEC1) field on all subsequent records. Purpose: General.
Text 9
030 Most Recent Social Security Number Status SSTAT1 Required The 1-digit value that indicates whether the Most Recent Social Security Number (SOCSEC1) is assigned by the institution or is an actual social security number. Comments: N/A Purpose: General. EMSAS_Social_Security_Status_1_Codes Text 1
035 SSN or Student ID (Secondary) SOCSEC2 Optional A student's previously provided social security number or student ID. Codes: N/A Comments: Complete this field if the student's social security number has been changed during the student's enrollment at the institution submitting the report (e.g., the original social security number reported in the SOCSEC1 field was assigned by the institution or was incorrect). If the institution has only used one unique student identifier for the student in the files submitted to the CBHE, then this field should be zero filled. Purpose: General.
Text 9
040 Second Most Recent Social Security Number Status SSTAT2 Optional The 1-digit value that indicates whether the Second Most Recent Social Security Number (SOCSEC2) was a number originally assigned by the institution or was a social security number originally reported in error or incorrectly. Comments: N/A Purpose: General. EMSAS_Social_Security_Status_2_Codes Text 1
045 Campus I.D./Last Name CAMPUSID Required A 10-digit campus student identification number or ten characters of a student's last name. Comments: This data element should be left-justified. If a campus assigns student identification numbers other than the social security number for student identification, record 10 characters of that number in this field. If, however, a campus uses the social security number as the student identifier, record up to 10 capital letters of the student's last name in this field. Purpose: The purpose of this data element is to provide the ability to link students' records using this field in conjunction with date of birth (DOBIRTH) should an attempt to match records on the most recent social security number (SOCSEC1) or second most recent social security number (SOCSEC2) fail. Return to
Text 10
050 Gender GENDER Required A 1-digit code specifying the gender of the student. Comments: N/A Purpose: General. EMSAS_Gender_Codes Text 1
055 Race / Ethnicity RACE Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure. EMSAS_Race_Codes Text 2
060 Date of Birth DOBIRTH Required An 8-digit indicator of the student's date of birth. Comments: If the student's date of birth is not known, then zero fill this field. If the date of birth is known, the field should be filled with the first four digits indicating the year of birth, followed by two digits for the numeric abbreviation of the month of birth, followed by the final two digits indicating the day of birth (YYYYMMDD). For example, a date of birth of October 11, 1986 should be coded '19861011'. DOBIRTH is required in the Fall Enrollment and Term Registration files, but is optional in the Completions file. However, institutions which do not use the student's social security number as a primary identifier in EMSAS reporting should strongly consider including DOBIRTH in Completions reporting. Purpose: General.
Date 8
065 Domicile LOCDOMI Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
Text 3
070 Class Level CLEVEL Required A 2-digit code specifying the level of a student's progress toward a degree or certificate in terms of a traditional class designation. Comments: If the class level for a newly enrolled or transfer student is not known, then the appropriate Unclassified code is to be used. If the level of a newly enrolled, continuing, or transfer student is known, then the exact class level code is to be reported in this field. Purpose: This will be used for the DHE-02, DHE-06, DHE 07-1, and DHE 07-2. EMSAS_Class_Level_Codes Text 2
075 Enrollment Status STUSTAT Required A 1-digit code specifying the enrollment status of a student with respect to the student level for the period reported. Comments: First-time students include those undergraduates who have never attended any college or those who enrolled for the first time in a graduate program. Students who entered college or enrolled in a graduate program for the first time in the prior summer term may be re-coded as first-time students in the fall term. Also included as first-time students are those who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation from high school.) Continuing students are continuing their studies at the reporting institution. Those who were classified as first-time students in the fall, for example, are to be classified as continuing students in the following spring semester. Students coded as transfers or readmitted in the previous semester would also be coded as continuing students for the subsequent registration period. Transfer students are those undergraduates or graduates who were enrolled in a different college or university during a prior semester or academic term and the term being reported is the first registration of the student at the reporting institution. The first time a student enrolls as a transfer student, the student's enrollment status should be coded '2' for transfer student. In subsequent semesters, the student's enrollment status should be coded '3' for continuing student. A readmitted student is a student who either dropped out or stopped out of the reporting institution for any reason who completed a full application to the institution for readmission. Purpose: Used for the DHE-02, DHE-06, DHE 07-1, and DHE 07-2. EMSAS_Enrollment_Status_Codes Integer 1
080 Highest Degree Held HIDEGREE Required A 2-digit code specifying the highest degree a student has been awarded by either the reporting institution or another institution. Codes: Please see Degree Level Conferred (DEGREEC) for codes to be used. Use NA if no college-level degree is held. NA should only be used in the Fall Enrollment and Term Registration file. NA should not be used in the Completions file. In the case where there is no earlier known degree, the degree being conferred will be the Highest Degree. Comments: Highest Degree Held is a descriptive piece of information to allow institutions and the CBHE to monitor the extent students are working toward another degree which may be at the same or different level from the degree already held by the student. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Degree_Level_Codes Integer 2
085 Degree Level Sought DEGREEST Required A 2-digit code indicating the highest degree level a student is currently working toward, and is intending to complete. Comments: Students should be coded according to the highest degree level the student is currently working toward; e.g., students enrolled in concurrent baccalaureate and master?s programs should be coded at the master?s level (42). Purpose: General. EMSAS_Degree_Level_Codes Text 2
090 First Major Field of Study CIP Code PROGONE Required A 6-digit code to indicate the declared first major or program of study in which the student is pursuing, or has completed, a degree. Codes: See for further information on Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes. 900000 = Undeclared Comments: If the student is pursuing, or has completed, one degree with two majors, code the second major in the second program field (PROGTWO). Purpose: General.
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095 First Major Field of Study Option Code PGONEOP Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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100 Second Major Field of Study CIP Code PROGTWO Optional A 6-digit code to indicate the declared second major or program of study in which the student is pursuing, or has completed, a degree. Codes: See for further information on Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes. Field may be left null for students without a declared second major. Comments: N/A Purpose: General.
Text 6
105 Second Major Field of Study Option Code PGTWOOP Optional A 4-digit numerical code assigned to an option code within the student's declared second major program of study (PROGTWO). Codes: 0000 = Unknown / N/A Comments: N/A Purpose: General.
Text 4
110 Degree-Seeking Status DSSTATUS Required This 1-digit code identifies the status of a student enrolled in courses for credit who is recognized by the institution as seeking, or not seeking, a formal award at the reporting institution. At the undergraduate level, this is intended to include those enrolled in vocational/occupational programs. Comments: This field identifies whether a student is seeking a certificate, diploma, degree, or other formal award at the reporting institution. Students seeking a degree or other formal award are those enrolled in courses for credit and who are recognized by the reporting institution as seeking a degree or other formal award. At the undergraduate level, students enrolled on a full-time basis in vocational or occupational programs leading to a one- or two-year certificate, diploma, or associate degree conferred by the institution should be reported as degree-seeking. Purpose: This will be used for the DHE-02, DHE-06, DHE 07-1, and DHE 07-2. EMSAS_Degree_Seeking_Status_Codes Text 1
115 Total Term Enrolled Degree Credit Hours TOTRMHRE Required The total number of hours creditable toward a formal award enrolled for credit by the student as of the institution's reporting census date for the reported academic term or semester (Fall Enrollment File) or earned by the student by the end of the term being reported (Term Registration File). Codes: Include an implied decimal (99v9) Comments: This field should include the numerical value of the total hours creditable toward a formal award which the institution has recorded on its files for the student during the term being reported. Remedial / developmental, audited, and other non-college credits should not be reported here. Example: A student enrolled for a total of 16 hours creditable toward a formal award would have the value '160' recorded. A student taking a total of 9.5 credit hours would have a value of '095' recorded in this field. This field cannot be left blank. Purpose: General.
Text 3
120 Full-Time / Part-Time Override FTPTOVR Required This field may be used to over-ride the calculated full-time / part-time enrollment status for first-professional students (but not undergraduate or graduate students), for whom full-time enrollment status may vary by program. Comments: N/A Purpose: This will be used for the DHE-02. EMSAS_Override_Codes Integer 1
125 Reason for full-time / part-time override REASOVR Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
Integer 1
130 Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment FTEE Optional This field may be used to assign a full-time equivalent enrollment value to first-professional students (but not undergraduate or graduate students), for whom full-time enrollment status may vary by program. Codes: First-professional students may be coded as to indicate enrollment status. An implied decimal exists between the first and second digits. „100? (1.00) would indicate a full-time first-professional student, „050? (0.50) would indicate a half-time first-professional student, etc (9v99). Comments: N/A Purpose: This will be used for the DHE-02.
Text 3
135 Total Audited Credit Hours AUDTRME Required The total number of audited hours reported in this field are those credit hours associated with courses a student is registered in but for which the student will not be receiving semester credits. Students included in the Fall Enrollment or Term Registration Files who are only recorded as enrolled / registered in audited credit hours (doctoral-level students excluded) will be considered as exclusive auditors. Codes: Report the actual number of credit hours being audited, with an implied decimal included (99v9). 5 hours being audited would be recorded '050', or 5.0 hours. If the student is taking no credit hours for audit, record '000' in this field. Comments: N/A Purpose: General.
Text 3
140 Cumulative Credit Hours CUMCREDE Required A 4-digit value indicating the cumulative credit hours a student has earned for all the courses taken during the student's collegiate career. Codes: Record in this field the total number of credits accumulated by the student for the student's entire academic career as recorded by the institution where the student is currently enrolled. This field should include all credit transcripted by the institution, including transfer credit, dual credit, audited credit, and non-college-level credit. An implied decimal exists between the third and fourth digits. Thus, a cumulative credit hour report for 75 credits would be reported as '0750' in this field. A student having completed 118.5 credits would have a value of '1185' recorded in this field (999v9). Comments: N/A Purpose: General.
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145 Last Institution Attended by a Transfer Student TRANSSCH Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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150 Initial Credit Hours a Receiving Institution Accepts in Transfer For a First-time Transfer Student CRTRAN1E Optional A 4-digit value specifying the number of credit hours a first-time transfer student receives in transfer from institutions previously attended. Codes: Record in this field the initial number of transfer credit hours accepted for the student upon enrollment in the student's first term at the institution. An implied decimal exists between the third and fourth digits. All values should be reported with leading zeros. For example, a student with 30 credit hours accepted in transfer would have the value '0300' reported in this field, indicating that 30.0 hours were accepted as transfer credits (999v9). 0000 = No transfer credits recorded / accepted 9999 = Unknown Comments: Note: this field is limited to the number of transfer credits the student was awarded the first time the student transfers to an institution. Once this field is completed, the value reported should not change. Purpose: General.
Text 4
155 Total Transfer Credit Hours Accumulated CRTRAN2E Required A 4-digit value specifying the total number of credit hours a student has received, at any time, from an institution other than the institution in which the student is currently enrolled. Codes: Record in this field the total number of transfer credit hours accumulated by the student before or following enrollment at the institution. An implied decimal exists between the third and fourth digits. All values should be reported with leading zeros. For example, a student with 30 credit hours accepted in transfer would have the value '0300' reported in this field, indicating that 30.0 hours were accepted as transfer credits (999v9). 0000 = No transfer credits recorded / accepted 9999 = Unknown Comments: Note: this field includes the total of all credit hours a student has accepted in transfer to the institution, not just those credit hours first transferred when the student was a first-time transfer. If a student is a new transfer in the fall and the institution accepts 36 credits in transfer, both the CRTRAN1R and CRTRAN2R fields would contain the value '360'. Should the student attend another institution the following summer and receives 12 hours of credit that is transferred to the institution, the student record for CRTRAN1R would remain unchanged with a value of '360', however, the additional 12 hours would be added to CRTRAN2R reflecting that the student now has a total of 48 hours, '480', transfer credit hours. Purpose: General
Text 4
160 Midwest Higher Education Commission Student Exchange Program Participant MHECPRO Optional A 1-digit code used to identify students from other states who are attending a Missouri college or university through the Midwest Higher Education Commission Student Exchange Program. Comments: N/A Purpose: General. EMSAS_Midwest_Higher_Education_Codes Text 1
165 Remedial Math Credit Hours REMATHE Required A 3-digit numerical value of the number of remedial math credit hours a student is enrolled for or attempted during the term being reported. Codes: Report the total number of credits enrolled for (Fall Enrollment file), or attempted (Term Registration file) in remedial math courses. An implied decimal exists between the second and third digits (99v9). 999 = Unknown 000 = None / N/A Comments: A student enrolled for 6 remedial math credit hours would have the value '060' recorded in this field. A student taking 3.5 remedial math credit hours would have a value of '035' recorded in this field. Purpose: General.
Text 3
170 Remedial English Credit Hours REENGLE Required A 3-digit numerical value of the number of remedial English credit hours a student is enrolled for or attempted during the term being reported. Codes: Report the total number of credits enrolled for (Fall Enrollment file), or attempted (Term Registration file) in remedial English / writing courses. An implied decimal exists between the second and third digits (99v9). 999 = Unknown 000 = None / N/A Comments: A student enrolled for 6 remedial English credit hours would have the value '060' recorded in this field. A student taking 3.5 remedial English credit hours would have a value of '035' recorded in this field. Purpose: General.
Text 3
175 Remedial Reading Credit Hours REREADE Required A 3-digit numerical value of the number of remedial reading credit hours a student is enrolled for or attempted during the term being reported. Codes: Report the total number of credits enrolled for (Fall Enrollment file), or attempted (Term Registration file) in remedial reading courses. An implied decimal exists between the second and third digits (99v9). 999 = Unknown 000 = None / N/A Comments: A student enrolled for 6 remedial reading credit hours would have the value '060' recorded in this field. A student taking 3.5 remedial reading credit hours would have a value of '035' recorded in this field. Purpose: General.
Text 3
180 Other Non-College-Level Credit Hours NONCOLE Required A 3-digit numerical value of the number of credit hours a student is enrolled for or has attempted in non-college-level courses during the term being reported. Codes: The number of credit hours in non-college-level courses, other than remedial math, English, or reading, taken by or attempted by a student during the term being reported. An implied decimal exists between the second and third digit (99v9). Comments: Non-college-level courses are those hours enrolled for (Fall Enrollment file), or attempted (Term Registration file), in courses for which college credit is not transcripted, e.g. certain vocational / technical or recreational courses. Remedial coursework should not be reported in this field. A student enrolled for 6 credit hours in non-college-level courses would have the value '060' recorded. A student taking 3.5 credit hours in non-college-level courses would have a value of '035' recorded in this field. Purpose: General.
Text 3
185 High School Student HSSTUDNT Required A 1-digit code to identify students who are still enrolled in high school and have not received, at the time of reporting, a high school diploma and are enrolled in college-level classes at the reporting institution. Comments: This field includes students enrolled in dual enrollment and dual credit courses either offered on-campus or in the high school as well as high school students enrolled in on-campus courses for other reasons. Purpose: General. Yes_No Text 1
190 High School Code HSCODE Required A 6-digit number that identifies the high school that awards the high school diploma to a student. Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. The American College Testing (ACT) codes are used for all high schools. Purpose: General.
Text 6
195 Month & Year of High School Graduation HSGRDYR Required A 6-digit indicator identifying the calendar year and month in which the student completed their secondary education. Codes: 000000 = Unknown Comments: These six digits indicate both the calendar year and the month in which the student completed their secondary education. The first four digits are for the calendar year which is followed by two digits for the month of high school graduation (YYYYMM). This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. For example, a student graduating from high school, passing a General Equivalency Diploma or Ability to Benefit Test in June 2007 would have coded in this field '200706' a student completing their secondary education in December 2005 would have coded in this field a '200512'. Purpose: General.
Text 6
200 High School Class Size HSCSIZE Required A 4-digit value indicating the number of students in the reported student's high school graduating class. Codes: 0000=Unknown Comments: This field is the number of students in the high school graduating class for the reported student. This field is required for all first-time undergraduates.. Example: If there were 375 students in the high school graduating class, this field should contain the value '0375'. If the high school class size is not known, this field should contain zeros ('0000'). Purpose: General.
Text 4
205 High School Class Rank HSCRANK Required A 4-digit value indicating the ranked position of the reported student's high school graduating class. Codes: 0000=Unknown Comments: This field is the ranked position of the student among his or her high school graduating class. This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. If the student is ranked first in his or her high school graduating class, this field should be coded as '0001'. If the student is ranked 350 from the top of his or her high school graduating class, this field should be coded '0350'. If a student's high school class rank is not known, this field should contain zeros ('0000'). Purpose: General.
Text 4
210 High School Percentile Rank HSPRNK Required The percentile rank associated with a student's rank within the student's high school graduating class. Codes: 9999 = Unknown Include an implied decimal (999v9) Comments: Required for all first-time undergraduates and for transfer students with 23 or fewer credit hours accepted in transfer by the institution to which a student has transferred. Example: A high school percentile rank of 88 should be coded in this field as '0880'. A high school percentile rank of 86.5 should be coded as '0865'. A student graduating first among their classmates should have a high school percentile rank of one (1000). Purpose: This element may be used for the DHE-06.
Text 4
215 Core Curriculum Indicator CORE Optional A one-digit code to indicate if a student has the Coordinating Board for Higher Education-recommended high school core curriculum. Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. Purpose: This may be used for performance indicators.
Text 1
220 Number of High School English Courses HSENGCRS Required A 2-digit indicator of the total number of high school English courses or units the student took which apply to the CBHE-recommended high school curriculum for admission to a Missouri public four-year college or university. One unit equals a year-long course. Codes: 99 = Unknown Include an implied decimal (9v9) Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. Example: A student with three and one-half units of high school English would have '35' recorded in this field. Purpose: This element may be used to collect high school core data.
Text 2
225 Number of High School Mathematics Courses HSMATCRS Required A 2-digit indicator of the total number of courses, or units, of high school mathematics that the student took which apply to the CBHE-recommended high school curriculum for admission to a Missouri public four-year college or university. Codes: 99 = Unknown Include an implied decimal (9v9) Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. Example: A student taking three (3) years of high school mathematics would have a '30' recorded in this field. A student with 2 and one-half years of mathematics applicable to the CBHE-recommended high school core curriculum would have '25' recorded in this field. Purpose: This element may be used to collect high school core data.
Text 2
230 Number of High School Social Studies Courses HSSSTCRS Required A 2-digit indicator of the total number of courses, or units, of high school social studies that the student took which apply to the CBHE-recommended high school curriculum for admission to a Missouri public four-year college or university. Codes: 99 = Unknown Include an implied decimal (9v9) Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. Example: A student taking three (3) years of high school social studies would have a '30' recorded in this field. A student with one and one-half years of course work would have the value '15' coded in this field. Purpose: This element may be used to collect high school core data.
Text 2
235 Number of High School Science Courses HSSCICRS Required A 2-digit indicator of the total number of courses, or units, of high school science that the student took which apply to the CBHE-recommended high school curriculum for admission to a Missouri public four-year college or university. Codes: 99 = Unknown Include an implied decimal (9v9) Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. Example: A student taking two (2) years of high school science would have a '20' recorded in this field. A half year of science would be coded '05'. Purpose: This element may be used to collect high school core data.
Text 2
240 Number of High School Visual/Performing Arts Courses HSVPARCRS Required A 2-digit indicator of the total number of courses, or units, of high school visual and performing arts that the student took which apply to the CBHE-recommended high school curriculum for admission to a Missouri public four-year college or university. Codes: 99 = Unknown Include an implied decimal (9v9) Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. Example: A student taking one (1) year of high school visual/performing arts would have a '10' recorded in this field. A student with one-half year of visual and performing arts would have '05' recorded in this field. Purpose: This element may be used to collect high school core data.
Text 2
245 Number of High School Core Electives in Other Disciplines CORELEC Required A 2-digit indicator of the total number of courses, or units, of foreign language study, computer science with a prerequisite of algebra I, state or international history, or signing for the hearing impaired, that the student took which apply to the CBHE-recommended high school curriculum for admission to a Missouri public four-year college or university. Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. The high school foreign language courses applicable to the Coordinating Board's-recommended high school electives typically include such courses as: (1) Chinese, (2) French, (3) German, (4) Greek, (5) Hebrew, (6) Italian, (7) Japanese, (8) Latin, (9) Russian, and (10) Spanish. Any language spoken by citizens of a non-English-speaking country applies to the foreign language elective. Purpose: This element may be used to collect high school core data.
Text 2
250 American College Testing (ACT) English Subscale Score ACTENG Required A 2-digit number indicating the score an entering student received on the English Subscale portion of the American College Testing (ACT) college entrance examination submitted for admissions consideration or attained by the student as a result of an on-campus administration of the ACT after the student has already enrolled. All subscale scores should be reported from the same test administration as the ACT Composite score reported in the ACTCOM column. Codes: Acceptable values are 01 to 36 99 = Unknown Comments: This is the score received from the student or from the American College Testing (ACT) service that specifies the actual value of the English subscale score the student received on the ACT college admissions test. Purpose: General.
Text 2
255 American College Testing (ACT) Mathematics Subscale Score ACTMAT Required A 2-digit number indicating the score an entering student received on the Mathematics Subscale portion of the American College Testing (ACT) college entrance examination submitted for admissions consideration or attained by the student as a result of an on-campus administration of the ACT after the student has already enrolled. All subscale scores should be reported from the same test administration as the ACT Composite score reported in the ACTCOM column. Codes: Acceptable values are 01 to 36 99 = Unknown Comments: This is the score received from the student or from the American College Testing (ACT) service that specifies the actual value of the Mathematics subscale score the student received on the ACT college admissions test. Purpose: General.
Text 2
260 American College Testing (ACT) Reading Subscale Score ACTRED Required A 2-digit number indicating the score an entering student received on the Reading Subscale portion of the American College Testing (ACT) college entrance examination submitted for admissions consideration or attained by the student as a result of an on-campus administration of the ACT after the student has already enrolled. All subscale scores should be reported from the same test administration as the ACT Composite score reported in the ACTCOM column. Codes: Acceptable values are 01 to 36 99 = Unknown Comments: This is the score received from the student or from the American College Testing (ACT) service that specifies the actual value of the Reading subscale score the student received on the ACT college admissions test. Purpose: General.
Text 2
265 American College Testing (ACT) Science Subscale Score ACTSCR Required 2-digit number indicating the score an entering student received on the Science Subscale portion of the American College Testing (ACT) college entrance examination submitted for admissions consideration or attained by the student as a result of an on-campus administration of the ACT after the student has already enrolled. All subscale scores should be reported from the same test administration as the ACT Composite score reported in the ACTCOM column. Codes: Acceptable values are 01 to 36 99 = Unknown Comments: This is the score received from the student or from the American College Testing (ACT) service that specifies the actual value of the Science subscale score the student received on the ACT college admissions test. Purpose: General.
Text 2
270 American College Testing (ACT) Composite Score ACTCOM Required A 2-digit number indicating the composite score an entering student received on the American College Testing (ACT) college entrance examination submitted for admissions consideration or attained by the student as a result of an on-campus administration of the ACT after the student has already enrolled. Codes: Acceptable values are 01 to 36 99 = Unknown Comments: This is the score received from the student or from the American College Testing (ACT) service that specifies the composite score value the student received on the ACT college admissions test. Purpose: This element will be used on the DHE 06.
Text 2
275 Equated ACT Composite Score EACTCOM Required This 1-digit code identifies students for whom the ACT Composite Score reported in the ACTCOM field has been equated based on SAT Math (SATMAT) and SAT Verbal (SATVER) scores. Comments: ACT/SAT Concordance information is available HUhereUH. Purpose: This will be used for the DHE-06. EMSAS_Equated ACT Composite Score Text 1
280 SAT Critical Reading (Verbal) Score SATCR Required A 3-digit number indicating the score an entering student received on the critical reading (verbal) portion of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) submitted for admissions consideration. Codes: Acceptable values are 000 to 800 999 = Unknown or not applicable Comments: This is the score received from the student or from the Educational Testing Service that specifies the actual value of the verbal score the student received on the Scholastic Aptitude Test. SAT subscale scores should be reported from the same test administration. Purpose: General.
Integer 3
285 SAT Math Score SATMAT Required A 3-digit number indicating the score an entering student received on the mathematics portion of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) submitted for admissions consideration. Codes: Acceptable values are 000 to 800 999 = Unknown or not applicable Comments: This is the score received from the student or from the Educational Testing Service that specifies the actual value of the mathematics score the student received on the Scholastic Aptitude Test. SAT subscale scores should be reported from the same test administration. Purpose: General.
Integer 3
290 ASSET Writing Skills Score ASSETWS Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
Text 2
295 ASSET Reading Skills Score ASSETRS Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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300 ASSET Numerical Skills Score ASSETNS Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
Text 2
305 ASSET Study Skills Score ASSETSS Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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310 ASSET Elementary Algebra Score ASSETEA Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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315 ASSET Intermediate Algebra Score ASSETIA Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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320 ASSET College Algebra Score ASSETCA Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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325 ASSET Geometry Score ASSETGM Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
Text 2
330 Ability to Benefit Test ABTEST Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
Text 2
335 Ability to Benefit Test Score ABSCORE Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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340 ATHLETE Flag ATHLETE Optional No longer required, but column(s) should be included in flat file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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345 Sport SPORT Optional Column(s) should be included in fixed width file or CSV submissions to maintain file structure.
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350 Legal Residence LEGRES Required A 1-digit code in the Fall Enrollment file specifying a student's present legal residence as determined in accordance with the Residency Policy of the Coordinating Board and used as the basis for institutional fee assessment policies. Comments: Please note that the coding scheme contains two categories for four-year institutions and three categories for two-year institutions. For four-year institutions, this data element should be coded as either in-state or out-of-state; for two-year institutions, three categories apply: (1) in-district, (2) in-state but out-of-district, and (3) out-of-state. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Legal_Residence_Codes Text 1
355 Course Location LOCCDF Required For the Fall Enrollment file, it is used to classify a student as on- or off-campus, or in- or out-of-district, based on the location where the majority of his/her credit hours are taken. Comments: A student is to be classified as on- or off-campus for four-year institutions, and as in- or out-of-district for community colleges. The optional code for distance learning is reserved for those who take the majority of their credit hours through on-line courses. Students who enroll / register in exactly 50 percent of credit hours on-campus or in-district should be coded '1'. Purpose: This will be used for the DHE-02. EMSAS_Course_Location_Codes Text 1
360 Number of High School Foreign Language Courses FLELECT Required A 2-digit indicator of the number of courses, or units, of foreign language study, that the student took which apply to the CBHE-recommended high school curriculum for admission to a Missouri public four-year college or university. Codes: Record in this field the number of units of foreign language, defined as one full year of study, that are applicable to the CBHE-recommended high school core curriculum electives. For example, a student taking two (2) years of high school German would have a '20' recorded in this field. A student taking three and one-half years of Russian and one year of Spanish would have '45' (4.5 years) recorded in this field. Includes an implied decimal (9v9). 99 = Unknown Comments: This field is required for all first-time undergraduates. The high school foreign language courses applicable to the Coordinating Board's recommended high school electives typically include such courses as: (1) Chinese, (2) French, (3) German, (4) Greek, (5) Hebrew, (6) Italian, (7) Japanese, (8) Latin, (9) Russian, and (10) Spanish. Any language spoken by citizens of a non-English-speaking country applies to the foreign language elective. Purpose: This element may be used to collect high school core data.
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365 Student's Last Name LASTNAME Required Reports student's last name. Comments: May include punctuation (e.g. hyphen). Purpose: General.
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370 Student's First Name FIRSTNAM Required Reports student's first name. Comments: May include punctuation (e.g. hyphen). Purpose: General.
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375 Middle Initial MIDDLE Optional Reports student's middle initial. Comments: N/A Purpose: General.
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380 Suffix of name (e.g. Jr., Sr., etc.) SUFFIX Optional Reports student's suffix, if applicable. Comments: May include punctuation (e.g. period). Purpose: General.
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385 MOSIS ID MOSIS Optional A 10-digit unique student identifier assigned to all students in Missouri public schools by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Comments: Optional: may be reported if available. Purpose: General.
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390 Hispanic / Latino Race / Ethnicity RACEA Required A series of 1-digit codes specifying identification of the student with any of a series of racial / ethnic groups. Comments: The U.S. Department of Education has mandated a revised system of reporting of race / ethnicity, which will impact reporting of students, faculty and staff in federal IPEDS reporting. In response to these changes, EMSAS reporting will transition to a new system of reporting. Further information on the new guidelines is available HUhereUH and HUhereUH. In fall 2008, 2009, and 2010, institutions may use either the single RACE column to report student race / ethnicity in the Fall Enrollment, Term Registration, and Completions files, or the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) corresponding to revised federal reporting. Beginning with fall 2011 EMSAS reporting, use of the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) will be required for all institutions reporting EMSAS data. Accordingly, reporting using the new categories will apply to 2011 Fall Enrollment, 2010-2011 Term Registration, and 2010-2011 Completions. The current single column (RACE) will either become a placeholder or be deleted. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Race_A_Codes Text 1
395 Non-Resident Alien Race / Ethnicity RACEB Required A series of 1-digit codes specifying identification of the student with any of a series of racial / ethnic groups. Comments: The U.S. Department of Education has mandated a revised system of reporting of race / ethnicity, which will impact reporting of students, faculty and staff in federal IPEDS reporting. In response to these changes, EMSAS reporting will transition to a new system of reporting. Further information on the new guidelines is available HUhereUH and HUhereUH. In fall 2008, 2009, and 2010, institutions may use either the single RACE column to report student race / ethnicity in the Fall Enrollment, Term Registration, and Completions files, or the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) corresponding to revised federal reporting. Beginning with fall 2011 EMSAS reporting, use of the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) will be required for all institutions reporting EMSAS data. Accordingly, reporting using the new categories will apply to 2011 Fall Enrollment, 2010-2011 Term Registration, and 2010-2011 Completions. The current single column (RACE) will either become a placeholder or be deleted. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Race_B_Codes Text 1
400 American Indian / Alaska Native Race / Ethnicity RACEC Required A series of 1-digit codes specifying identification of the student with any of a series of racial / ethnic groups. Comments: The U.S. Department of Education has mandated a revised system of reporting of race / ethnicity, which will impact reporting of students, faculty and staff in federal IPEDS reporting. In response to these changes, EMSAS reporting will transition to a new system of reporting. Further information on the new guidelines is available HUhereUH and HUhereUH. In fall 2008, 2009, and 2010, institutions may use either the single RACE column to report student race / ethnicity in the Fall Enrollment, Term Registration, and Completions files, or the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) corresponding to revised federal reporting. Beginning with fall 2011 EMSAS reporting, use of the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) will be required for all institutions reporting EMSAS data. Accordingly, reporting using the new categories will apply to 2011 Fall Enrollment, 2010-2011 Term Registration, and 2010-2011 Completions. The current single column (RACE) will either become a placeholder or be deleted. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Race_C_Codes Text 1
405 Asian Race / Ethnicity RACED Required A series of 1-digit codes specifying identification of the student with any of a series of racial / ethnic groups. Comments: The U.S. Department of Education has mandated a revised system of reporting of race / ethnicity, which will impact reporting of students, faculty and staff in federal IPEDS reporting. In response to these changes, EMSAS reporting will transition to a new system of reporting. Further information on the new guidelines is available HUhereUH and HUhereUH. In fall 2008, 2009, and 2010, institutions may use either the single RACE column to report student race / ethnicity in the Fall Enrollment, Term Registration, and Completions files, or the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) corresponding to revised federal reporting. Beginning with fall 2011 EMSAS reporting, use of the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) will be required for all institutions reporting EMSAS data. Accordingly, reporting using the new categories will apply to 2011 Fall Enrollment, 2010-2011 Term Registration, and 2010-2011 Completions. The current single column (RACE) will either become a placeholder or be deleted. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Race_D_Codes Text 1
410 Black / African American Race / Ethnicity RACEE Required A series of 1-digit codes specifying identification of the student with any of a series of racial / ethnic groups. Comments: The U.S. Department of Education has mandated a revised system of reporting of race / ethnicity, which will impact reporting of students, faculty and staff in federal IPEDS reporting. In response to these changes, EMSAS reporting will transition to a new system of reporting. Further information on the new guidelines is available HUhereUH and HUhereUH. In fall 2008, 2009, and 2010, institutions may use either the single RACE column to report student race / ethnicity in the Fall Enrollment, Term Registration, and Completions files, or the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) corresponding to revised federal reporting. Beginning with fall 2011 EMSAS reporting, use of the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) will be required for all institutions reporting EMSAS data. Accordingly, reporting using the new categories will apply to 2011 Fall Enrollment, 2010-2011 Term Registration, and 2010-2011 Completions. The current single column (RACE) will either become a placeholder or be deleted. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Race_E_Codes Text 1
415 Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander Race / Ethnicity RACEF Required A series of 1-digit codes specifying identification of the student with any of a series of racial / ethnic groups. Comments: The U.S. Department of Education has mandated a revised system of reporting of race / ethnicity, which will impact reporting of students, faculty and staff in federal IPEDS reporting. In response to these changes, EMSAS reporting will transition to a new system of reporting. Further information on the new guidelines is available HUhereUH and HUhereUH. In fall 2008, 2009, and 2010, institutions may use either the single RACE column to report student race / ethnicity in the Fall Enrollment, Term Registration, and Completions files, or the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) corresponding to revised federal reporting. Beginning with fall 2011 EMSAS reporting, use of the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) will be required for all institutions reporting EMSAS data. Accordingly, reporting using the new categories will apply to 2011 Fall Enrollment, 2010-2011 Term Registration, and 2010-2011 Completions. The current single column (RACE) will either become a placeholder or be deleted. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Race_F_Codes Text 1
420 White / Caucasian Race / Ethnicity RACEG Required A series of 1-digit codes specifying identification of the student with any of a series of racial / ethnic groups. Comments: The U.S. Department of Education has mandated a revised system of reporting of race / ethnicity, which will impact reporting of students, faculty and staff in federal IPEDS reporting. In response to these changes, EMSAS reporting will transition to a new system of reporting. Further information on the new guidelines is available HUhereUH and HUhereUH. In fall 2008, 2009, and 2010, institutions may use either the single RACE column to report student race / ethnicity in the Fall Enrollment, Term Registration, and Completions files, or the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) corresponding to revised federal reporting. Beginning with fall 2011 EMSAS reporting, use of the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) will be required for all institutions reporting EMSAS data. Accordingly, reporting using the new categories will apply to 2011 Fall Enrollment, 2010-2011 Term Registration, and 2010-2011 Completions. The current single column (RACE) will either become a placeholder or be deleted. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Race_G_Codes Text 1
425 Other / Unknown Race / Ethnicity RACEH Required A series of 1-digit codes specifying identification of the student with any of a series of racial / ethnic groups. Comments: The U.S. Department of Education has mandated a revised system of reporting of race / ethnicity, which will impact reporting of students, faculty and staff in federal IPEDS reporting. In response to these changes, EMSAS reporting will transition to a new system of reporting. Further information on the new guidelines is available HUhereUH and HUhereUH. In fall 2008, 2009, and 2010, institutions may use either the single RACE column to report student race / ethnicity in the Fall Enrollment, Term Registration, and Completions files, or the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) corresponding to revised federal reporting. Beginning with fall 2011 EMSAS reporting, use of the multiple race / ethnicity columns (RACEA-RACEH) will be required for all institutions reporting EMSAS data. Accordingly, reporting using the new categories will apply to 2011 Fall Enrollment, 2010-2011 Term Registration, and 2010-2011 Completions. The current single column (RACE) will either become a placeholder or be deleted. Purpose: General. EMSAS_Race_H_Codes Text 1
430 Other Remedial Hours REOTHRE Required Remedial credit hours enrolled in disciplines other than math, English, or reading
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435 Prep Math PREPMATHE Required Total number of credit hours enrolled in mathematics courses not considered developmental but which do not meet the general education requirements forthe AA/BA/42-hour-transfer-block.
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440 Prep English PREPENGLE Required Total number of credit hours enrolled in english courses not considered developmental but which do not meet the general education requirements forthe AA/BA/42-hour-transfer-block.
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445 Prep Reading PREPREADE Required Total number of credit hours enrolled in reading courses not considered developmental but which do not meet the general education requirements forthe AA/BA/42-hour-transfer-block.
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450 Manual Year MANUALYEAR Required The verson of the EMSAS manual used when building the submitted file.
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455 Geographic Origin GEODOMI Required A five-digit code specifying the geographic origin of a student at the time of initial admission to the institution as a first-time student or first-time transfer student. Codes: See GEODOMI for a table of GEODOMI codes. 99999 = Unknown. Comments: This code should not change for undergraduate students; however, out-of-state undergraduate completers at Missouri institutions who re-enroll as graduate or first-professional students may be coded as Missouri students, provided all requirements of CBHE policy on HUstudent residencyUH have been met. Purpose: This will be used for the DHE-02. Foreign Counties codes are based on adding two leading zero to the three digit UN numeric code found here: Note Taiwan is not listed on the UN site, institutions should use '00158' for Taiwan. US States are based on adding three trailing zeros to state FIPS codes found here: Missouri county codes are based on Missouri's FIPS code of 29 with the addition of the FIPS 6-4 county codes EMSAS_Geographic_Origin_Codes Text 5
460 Last Institution Attended by a Transfer Student TRANSCHIPEDS Optional
EMSAS_IPEDS_Unit_IDS_Codes Text 6
465 Distance Learning DISTANCE Optional

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