Item_Number Item_Name Collection_Rule_ID Severity Business_Rule Short_Title General_Message Detailed_Message
005 EMSAS File Type EMT00501 E FILETYPE must match '03' FILETYPE must match '03' The EMSAS File Type identifies the data contained within the file. For this collection, the EMSAS File Type must be '03' to identify the file as Term registration data.
005 EMSAS File Type EMT00502 E Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length Field exceeds its maximum length. The {0} field exceeds its maximum allowable length of {1} character(s).
005 EMSAS File Type EMT00503 E Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of student data. The value of that field must be explicit. There are no default values. One or more required fields are missing Some fields supply data that is essential for the analysis of data. A value must be provided. There are no default values. The record is missing the field {0}.
005 EMSAS File Type EMT00504 E There must be at least one student record There are no student records There must be at least one student record.
005 EMSAS File Type EMT00505 E There cannot be duplicate records. A duplicate is defined as a record whose values for FICECODE, ACTERM, and CAMPUSID appear simultaneously across multiple records. Duplicate detected Duplicate record detected. Please remove duplicate entries.
010 FICE College Code EMT01001 E The FICECODE must match one of the valid values associated with the submitting orgainzation in the EMSAS_. Unexpected FICECODE The FICE College Code identifies the campus the student is attending. Only codes that are expected for your institution or system will be accepted. The accepted code(s) identifying your campus(es) is/are: {X},{Y},{Z}
015 Academic Term EMT01501 E ACTERM must be either '11' '21' '31' or '41' Invalid ACTERM ACTERM must be either '11', '21', '31', or '41'
020 Calendar Year EMT02001 E CALYEAR must match the calendar year corresponding to the term type for this collection cycle. CALYEAR should be current year-1 for summer (ACTERM=11) and fall (ACTERM=21) and current year for winter (ACTERM=31) and spring (ACTERM=41). For example fall 20 Invalid CALYEAR CALYEAR must match the calendar year corresponding to the term type for this collection cycle. CALYEAR should be current year-1 for summer (ACTERM=11) and fall (ACTERM=21) and current year for winter (ACTERM=31) and spring (ACTERM=41). For example fall 20 For TERM 2010-2011 file --- CALYEAR must be 2010 for summer (11) or fall (21) and must be 2011 for spring (31) or winter (41).
025 SSN or Student ID (Primary) EMT02501 E If SSTAT1='1', SOCSEC1 must be a valid SSN according to SSA specifications. Invalid SSN SSN is invalid.
030 Most Recent Social Security Number Status EMT03001 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Social_Security_Status_1_Codes). Invalid SSTAT1 code If the student's SOCSEC1 is believed to be a valid SSN, SSTAT1 should be '1'. If an alternate ID is used in SOCSEC1, then SSTAT1 should be '2'.
035 SSN or Student ID (Secondary) EMT03501 W If SSTAT2='1' then SOCSEC2 should match '000000000' Unexpected value for SOCSEC2 When SSTAT2 is reported as '1', that means the student is not believed to have previously used a different SSN than currently reported in SOCSEC1. It could also mean your institution has never previously identified the student using a bad SSN. In either c
035 SSN or Student ID (Secondary) EMT03502 W If SSTAT2='2' then SOCSEC2 should not match '000000000' Unexpected value for SOCSEC2 When SSTAT2 is reported as '2', that means the student is believed to have previously used a different SSN than currently reported in SOCSEC1. It could also mean your institution previously identified the student using a bad SSN. In either case, it is gen
040 Second Most Recent Social Security Number Status EMT04001 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Social_Security_Status_2_Codes). Invalid SSTAT2 code If the student's SOCSEC2 does not represent the second most recent SSN assigned to the student, SSTAT2 should be '1'. Please also use '1' if SOCSEC2 is zero-filled. If the SOCSEC2 does represent the student's second most recent SSN, then SSTAT2 should be
050 Gender EMT05001 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Gender) Invalid GENDER code GENDER must be 'M','F', or 'U'.
050 Gender EMT05002 W Percentage of records with GENDER='F' should not change by more than 10 percentage points from one Fall to the next. So, for example, if 50 percent of records submitted by School X last year had GENDER='F', we would not expect that percentage to be more t Unusual year-to-year change in GENDER distribution While some fluctuation in the male-female ratio is expected, deviations of 10 percentage points or more are unlikely and may indicate an underlying problem with the data.
055 Race / Ethnicity EMT05501 W Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Race_Codes). Invalid RACE code This field has been deprecated and replaced with RACEA-RACEH and therefore should be normally coded as 99 or a value which is found in the DHE Race Table. Variables RACEA-RACEH should contain at least one Y. Reported value of {1} should be coded as 99
060 Date of Birth EMT06001 E DOBIRTH must either be a valid date (formatted as YYYYMMDD) or match '99999999' Invalid DOBIRTH The date of birth reported is invalid. Please supply a valid date if possible (YYYYMMDD format). If date of birth is not available, please use '99999999'
060 Date of Birth EMT06002 W DOBIRTH should not typically imply the student's age is under 13 or over 100 at time of enrollment. Unexpected DOBIRTH The date of birth reported is unexpected. Please verify the data. Based on reported date of birth, student appears to be {1} years old.
065 Domicile EMT06501 W Value should be coded as 999 or be found in Domicile Table. Unexpected LOCDOMI value. This field has been deprecated and replaced with GEODOMI and therefore should be normally coded as 999 or a value which is found in the DHE LOCDOMI Table. A valid value must also be present in GEODOMI to replace this. Reported value of {1} should be coded as 999
070 Class Level EMT07001 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Class Level) Invalid CLEVEL Class Level must correspond with one of the options listed in the EMSAS manual. Please check the data and revise accordingly.
070 Class Level EMT07001 W If CLEVEL is '14' but CUMCREDR does not range from 60 to 89.9, this could indicate a problem. CLEVEL / CUMCREDR mismatch The student is reported as a junior, but his or her Cumulative Credit Hours are outside the normal range for a junior student. Typically, juniors have between 60 and 90 (exclusive) cumulative credit hours. Please verify the accuracy of these data.
070 Class Level EMT07002 E If submitting institution is a two-year college, only CLEVELs in ('11','13','14','15','18') are valid Invalid CLEVEL Class Level must correspond with one of the options listed in the EMSAS manual that indicate the student is an undergraduate. Please check the data and revise accordingly.
070 Class Level EMT07002 W If CLEVEL is '15' but CUMCREDR does not range from 90 to 300, this could indicate a problem. CLEVEL / CUMCREDR mismatch The student is reported as a senior, but his or her Cumulative Credit Hours are outside the normal range for a senior student. Typically, seniors have between 90 and 300 cumulative credit hours. Please verify the accuracy of these data.
070 Class Level EMT07003 W If CLEVEL is '14' or '15' but data was submitted from a two-year institution's account, this could indicate a problem. Unexpected CLEVEL The Class Level codes for Juniors and Seniors are not typically applicable to two-year institutions. Please verify the accuracy of this data.
070 Class Level EMT07003 W If CLEVEL is in ('11','13','14','15','18'), and DSSTATUS is '1', and DEGREEST is not in ('70','11','20','21','22','24','31','32','33','34','23','25',98'), then this could indicate a problem. CLEVEL / DSSTATUS / DEGREEST mismatch The reported Class Level appears to be in conflict with the reported Degree Level Sought. The student is currently reported as a degree-seeking undergraduate, but his or her Degree Level Sought is not recognized as an acceptable undergraduate degree level
070 Class Level EMT07004 W If CLEVEL is '17' or '20', but DEGREEST is not '60', this could indicate a problem. CLEVEL / DEGREEST mismatch The student's Class Level is reported as first-professional. However, the Degree Level Sought is not reported as first-professional. Please verify the accuracy of these data.
070 Class Level EMT07005 W If CLEVEL is '21' but DEGREEST is not '25', this could indicate a problem. CLEVEL / DEGREEST mismatch The student's Class Level is reported as "student with prior bachelor seeking another bachelor's degree." However, the Degree Level Sought is not reported as a bachelor's degree. Please verify the accuracy of these data.
070 Class Level EMT07006 W If CLEVEL is '26' but DEGREEST is not '43', this could indicate a problem. CLEVEL / DEGREEST mismatch The student's Class Level is reported as education specialist. However, the Degree Level Sought is not reported as education specialist. Please verify the accuracy of these data.
070 Class Level EMT07007 W If CLEVEL is '36' but DEGREEST is not '42', this could indicate a problem. CLEVEL / DEGREEST mismatch The student's Class Level is reported as master's. However, the Degree Level Sought is not reported as master's. Please verify the accuracy of these data.
070 Class Level EMT07008 W If CLEVEL is '46' but DEGREEST is not '45', this could indicate a problem. CLEVEL / DEGREEST mismatch The student's Class Level is reported as doctoral. However, the Degree Level Sought is not reported as doctoral. Please verify the accuracy of these data.
075 Enrollment Status EMT07501 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Enrollment Status) Invalid STUSTAT code The student's enrollment status must be one of the codes listed in the EMSAS Manual.
075 Enrollment Status EMT07502 W If STUSTAT='2', either TRANSSCH or TRANSCHIPEDS should contain a value (i.e., non-null, non-blank, non-missing) Missing Transfer School Code If the student is a first-time transfer, please indicate the college code identifying the transfer institution in TRANSSCH or TRANSCHIPEDS.
075 Enrollment Status EMT07503 W If STUSTAT='2', either CRTRAN1R or CRTRAN2R should contain a value (i.e., non-null, non-blank, non-missing) Missing Transfer Credits If the student is a first-time transfer, please indicate the number of credits transferred in as well as cumulative transfer credits.
080 Highest Degree Held EMT08001 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Degree Level) Invalid HIDEGREE code The Highest Degree Held must be one of the codes listed in the EMSAS Manual. Use '98' if it is not known whether the student already holds a degree.
085 Degree Level Sought EMT08501 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Degree Level) Invalid DEGREEST code The Degree Level Sought must be one of the codes listed in the EMSAS Manual. Use '98' if the student is non-degree-seeking or degree level sought is unknown.
085 Degree Level Sought EMT08502 E If submitting institution is a two-year college, only DEGREESTs in ('70','11','20','21','24','31','32','33','34','23','98','22') are valid Invalid DEGREEST code The Degree Level Sought must be one of the codes listed in the EMSAS Manual that correspond to undergraduate students. Use '98' if the student is non-degree-seeking or degree level sought is unknown.
085 Degree Level Sought EMT08503 W If DEGREEST='41', CLEVEL should be '16' DEGREEST / CLEVEL mismatch Postbaccalaureate certificate students should be coded with a Class Level of 'Postbaccalaureate Non-Degree-Seeking'
090 First Major Field of Study CIP Code EMT09001 E Must be in one of the following tables/lists: (EMSAS_CIP2010), (EMSAS_CIP2000), ('900000','999999') Invalid PROGONE code The First Major Field of Study CIP Code must be a valid CIP code. If the student's major is undeclared, use '900000'
095 First Major Field of Study Option Code EMT09501 W Value should be coded as 9999 or be found in Program Option Code Table Unexpected PGONEOP value This field has been deprecated and therefore should be normally coded as 9999 or a value which is found in the DHE Program Inventory Option Code Table. Reported value of {1} should be coded as 9999
100 Second Major Field of Study CIP Code EMT10001 W Should be in one of the following tables/lists: (EMSAS_CIP2010), (EMSAS_CIP2000), ('900000','999999') Invalid PROGTWO code The Second Major Field of Study CIP Code should be a valid CIP code. If the student's major is undeclared, use '900000'
105 Second Major Field of Study Option Code EMT10501 W Value should be coded as 9999 or be found in Program Option Code Table Unexpected PGTWOOP value This field has been deprecated and therefore should be normally coded as 9999 or a value which is found in the DHE Program Inventory Option Code Table. Reported value of {1} should be coded as 9999
110 Degree-Seeking Status EMT11001 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Degree-Seeking Status) Invalid DSSTATUS code The Degree-Seeking Status Code must be either '0','1', or '2'. Use '0' if the status is unknown.
115 Total Term Earned Degree Credit Hours EMT11501 W Formatted value should not be greater than 60 Unexpected TOTRMHRR value Normally, a student will not complete more than 60 credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data. Reported hours of {1} exceeds normal range.
120 Full-Time / Part-Time Override EMT12001 E Must be in code set: (EMSAS_Full-Time / Part-Time Override) Invalid FTPTOVR code The Full-Time / Part-Time Override code must be '0','1', or '2'. Use '0' if not applicable.
120 Full-Time / Part-Time Override EMT12002 E FTPTOVR values of '1' and '2' are only valid if CLEVEL is in ('16','17','19','20','26','36','46') or DEGREEST is in ('41','42','43','44','45','60') Invalid FTPTOVR code Only mark a part-time override or full-time override if the student is a graduate or first-professional student. Otherwise, use '0'. Please revise the data appropriately.
125 Reason for full-time / part-time override EMT12501 W Value should be coded as 9 Unexpected REASOVR value. Variable is deprecated please use 9 for its value. You have entered a different value please confirm that you have entered data in the correct field. Reported value of {1} should be coded as 9
130 Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment EMT13001 W If formatted value of FTER is anything besides 9.99, either CLEVEL should be in ('17','20') or DEGREEST should be '60' Invalid FTER Assigned values for Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment should be reserved for first-professional students only.
135 Total Audited Credit Hours EMT13501 W Formatted value should not be greater than 60 Unexpected AUDTRME value Normally, a student will not audit more than 60 credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
140 Total Graded Credit Hours EMT14002 W Formatted value is greater than zero and CUMGPA is 9.99 or missing. Unexpected GRDTRM value A student with graded term hours should have a valid cumulative GPA
140 Total Graded Credit Hours EMT14003 W GRDTRMR is greater than TOTRMHRR Unexpected GRDTRM value A student should not have more graded hours than total term hours earned.
140 Total Graded Credit Hours EMT14004 W GRDTRMR is greater than 60 Unexpected GRDTRM value Normally, a student will not complete more than 60 credit hours during a term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
140 Total Graded Credit Hours EMT14005 W GRDTRMR is missing Unexpected GRDTRM value A student should normally have graded term hours.
145 Cumulative Credit Hours EMT14501 W Formatted value should not be greater than 300 Unexpected CUMCREDR value Normally, a student will not accumulate more than 300 credit hours during his or her college career. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
145 Cumulative Credit Hours EMT14502 W Formatted value should be 0 or a multiple of .5. For example, 1.5 might be valid, but 1.7 probably is not valid. Unexpected CUMCREDR value Cumulative Credit Hours contains an unexpected value. Your data may be coded incorrectly, as courses are rarely offered in increments of less than a half-credit.
155 Initial Credit Hours a Receiving Institution Accepts in Transfer For a First-time Transfer Student EMT15501 W Formatted value should either match 999.9 or range from 0 to 300 Unexpected CRTRAN1R value Normally, a student will not transfer in more than 300 credit hours. Please verify the accuracy of the data. Use '9999' if the student never transferred in credit, or if the amount of credit transferred in is unknown.
155 Initial Credit Hours a Receiving Institution Accepts in Transfer For a First-time Transfer Student EMT15502 W If STUSTAT is '2', CRTRAN1R should equal CRTRAN2R Unexpected CRTRAN1R value First-time transfer students will normally have the same amount of initial transfer credit as cumulative transfer credit. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
155 Initial Credit Hours a Receiving Institution Accepts in Transfer For a First-time Transfer Student EMT15503 W Formatted value should match 999.9, or 0, or be a multiple of .5. For example, 1.5 might be valid, but 1.7 probably is not valid. Unexpected CRTRAN1R value Initial Credit Hours a Receiving Institution Accepts in Transfer For a First-time Transfer Student contains an unexpected value. Your data may be coded incorrectly, as courses are rarely offered in increments of less than a half-credit.
160 Total Transfer Credit Hours Accumulated EMT16001 W Formatted value should either match 999.9 or range from 0 to 300 Unexpected CRTRAN2R value Normally, a student will not accumulate more than 300 transfer credit hours. Please verify the accuracy of the data. Use '9999' if the student never transferred in credit, or if the amount of cumulative transfer credit is unknown.
160 Total Transfer Credit Hours Accumulated EMT16002 W Formatted value should match 999.9, or 0, or be a multiple of .5. For example, 1.5 might be valid, but 1.7 probably is not valid. Unexpected CRTRAN2R value Total Transfer Credit Hours Accumulated contains an unexpected value. Your data may be coded incorrectly, as courses are rarely offered in increments of less than a half-credit.
170 Remedial Math Credit Hours EMT17001 W Formatted value should not be greater than 30 Unexpected REMATHR value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 remedial math credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
175 Remedial English Credit Hours EMT17501 W Formatted value should not be greater than 30 Unexpected REENGLR value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 remedial English credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
180 Remedial Reading Credit Hours EMT18001 W Formatted value should not be greater than 30 Unexpected REREADR value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 remedial reading credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
185 Other Non-College-Level Credit Hours EMT18501 W Formatted value should not be greater than 30 Unexpected NONCOLR value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 'Other Non-College-Level Credit Hours' during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
190 High School Student EMT19001 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid HSSTUDNT code Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student is a High School Student. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
190 High School Student EMT19002 E If HSSTUDNT='Y' then STUSTAT must be '0' HSSTUDNT / STUSTAT mismatch Students who are still in high school must have an Enrollment Status code of '0'
195 Total Term Quality Points EMT19501 W Formatted value for TOTRMQPT should not be less than one but greater than zero. Values of zero are acceptable. Unexpected TOTRMQPT value Generally, a student should have at least 1 quality point.
200 Term Grade Point Average EMT20001 W Formatted value should not be missing, less than 0, or greater than 4.0 Unexpected TRMGPA value

200 Term Grade Point Average EMT20002 W Provided TOTRMQPT is not coded as missing (9999), GRDTRMR is greater than zero, and formatted value should equal TOTRMQT/GRDTRMR. Unexpected TRMGPA value A student's term GPA should equal the number of total term quality points (TOTRMQPTS) divided by graded term hours (GRDTRMR). {TOTRMQPTS}/{GRDTRMR}={}
205 Cumulative Grade Point Average EMT20501 W Formatted value should not be missing, less than 0, or greater than 4.0 Unexpected CUMGPA value GPA should be provided on a 4.0 scale students should not have GPAs which are negative nor above 4.0
210 Withdrawal Code EMT21001 W Value should be 'NA' or 'WD'. Unexpected WITHDRAW value Value should be 'NA' or 'WD'.
215 ATHLETE Flag EMT21501 W Value should be coded as 9 Unexpected ATHLETE value. Variable is deprecated please use 9 for its value. You have entered a different value please confirm that you have entered data in the correct field. Reported value of {1} should be coded as 9
220 Sport EMT22001 W Value should be coded as 99 Unexpected SPORT value. Variable is deprecated please use 99 for its value. You have entered a different value please confirm that you have entered data in the correct field. Reported value of {1} should be coded as 99
225 Student's Last Name EMT22501 W Should not start with a space (' ') or contain two consecutive spaces (' ') Unexpected LASTNAME Please verify the reported Last Name does not contain a typographical error.
230 Student's First Name EMT23001 W Should not start with a space (' ') or contain two consecutive spaces (' ') Unexpected FIRSTNAM Please verify the reported First Name does not contain a typographical error.
245 MOSIS ID EMT24501 W If field contains a value, the value should be found in the SID Master system Unexpected MOSIS ID The reported MOSIS ID could not be verified.
250 Hispanic / Latino Race / Ethnicity EMT25001 E Among the fields RACEA, RACEB, RACEC, RACED, RACEE, RACEF, RACEG, and RACEH, at least one must contain the value 'Y' No RACE provided At least one race field should contain a 'Y'. If race is unknown, please mark 'Y' in RACEH.
250 Hispanic / Latino Race / Ethnicity EMT25002 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid RACEA Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student is Hispanic / Latino. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
255 Non-Resident Alien Race / Ethnicity EMT25501 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid RACEB Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student is Non-Resident Alien. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
260 American Indian / Alaska Native Race / Ethnicity EMT26001 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid RACEC Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student is American Indian / Alaska Native. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
265 Asian Race / Ethnicity EMT26501 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid RACED Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student is Asian. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
270 Black / African American Race / Ethnicity EMT27001 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid RACEE Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student is Black / African American. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
275 Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander Race / Ethnicity EMT27501 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid RACEF Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student is Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
280 White / Caucasian Race / Ethnicity EMT28001 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid RACEG Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student is White / Caucasian. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
285 Other / Unknown Race / Ethnicity EMT28501 E Must be in code set: (Yes/No) Invalid RACEH Please use 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether student's race is Unknown or Other. No other values are accepted for this field, and a response must be provided.
290 Other Remedial Hours EMT29001 W Formatted value should not be greater than 30 Unexpected REOTHRR value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 combined remedial credit hours during the Fall term in areas other than math, reading, or English. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
295 Prep Math EMT29501 W Formatted value should not be greater than 30 Unexpected PREPMATHR value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 "prep math" credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
300 Prep English EMT30001 W Formatted value should not be greater than 30 Unexpected PREPENGLR value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 "prep English" credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
305 Prep Reading EMT30501 W Formatted value should not be greater than 30 Unexpected PREPREADR value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 "prep reading" credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.
315 Geographic Origin EMT31501 E Must be in table: (EMSAS_GeographicOrigin) Invalid GEODOMI You entered a Geographic Origin code that was not recognized as valid. Please check your GEODOMI reference table for a list of valid values. Codes for unknowns are also listed in this table.
320 Last Institution Attended by a Transfer Student EMT32001 E Must be in table: (EMSAS_IPEDSUnitIDS) Invalid TRANSCHIPEDS You entered a Transfer School IPEDS ID code that was not recognized as valid. Please check your TRANSCHIPEDS reference table for a list of valid values. If the student is not a transfer, use '000000'. If institution is domestic, but either has no IPEDS ID
325 Distance Learning EMT32501 W Should not be greater than 30 Unexpected DISTANCE value Normally, a student will not be enrolled in more than 30 distance education credit hours during the Fall term. Please verify the accuracy of the data.